MUSICAL DISCOVERIES: Fever 333: Yes, I am Ready for Revolution. (summer 2019)

MUSICAL DISCOVERIES: In this series, I will share my impressive, unexpected, and breathtaking musical discoveries. In every post, I will describe how I came across the bands and artists' amazing music. I also explain the reasons which make me firmly believe that you should give the band's or artist's music a try. Finally, I will provide you with songs recommendations. From Pop to Punk, you will definitely be able to find something for your ears, mind, and heart to fall in love with. 

Genre: A crazy amazing combination of different genres such as Metalcore and Rap

Calm before the storm; photo taken by me moments before Fever 333 hit the stage at Heavy MTL 2019

Let me start this post by saying (well writing); thank you Heavy MTL (epic Metal festival in Montreal) for making aware of Fever 333's existence. I decided to attend Heavy MTL last year as I absolutely wanted to see Evanescence; the type of band which I consider necessary to see at least once in my lifetime. It also provided me with the opportunity to see Beartooth; undoubtedly one of the most explosive live bands I have ever had the chance of seeing perform. I was genuinely excited about the idea of seeing Beartooth and Evanescence but I figured I should give myself the mission to check out other bands’ music before going to the festival. Oh boy, I am so fucking happy I did! I am going to be honest here and I admit that I do not quite remember why I decided to give Fever 333’s music a listen apart from the fact that I was convinced I had heard their name before. After listening to only two or three tracks, it was crystal clear to me that their lyrics have the power to make individuals reflect (or at least myself) on the current state of our society. I personally appreciate when bands try (and in their case) succeed in challenging my way of thinking and/or making me aware of pivotal social issues.

Clip (filmed by me)of Fever 333 performing a fan favourite "Made in America"  
at Heavy MTL 2019 

For instance, in “One of us”, one of Fever 333's most recognizable songs, the band tackles the injustice people of colour still tragically face to this day. The lyrics remind listeners that the American law system and an infinite number of police officers are more often than not anything but kind, fair and respectful to people of colour. The words to this song are a much needed reminder or/and wake up call that protesters are not out on the streets for the fun of it; they are fighting for the lives that were wrongfully taken by corrupted racist cops. "Another body laying on the floor now Tell everybody they better take their tone out" (Aalon Butler, 2019) Tell me that this specific line alone did not make you remotely angry; I am quite certain it did. I can imagine yourself getting frustrated reading those words because you and I both know way too damn well that they are an entirely accurate reflection of the Amercian society.  

In my opinion, Fever 333's lyrics are hard hitting and effective without being overly preachy. I also appreciate the fact two of the band members are people of colour as it adds to the authenticity of the message. Without trying to stir controversy here, I honestly feel like some people (not just public figures) try way too hard to sound politically correct when in reality they are as uneducated as other racist, sexist, and homophobic motherfuckers out there.  As for the music, HOLY FUCKING SHIIIIIIIITTTTT, here comes cliché 100000 that you will read on my blog; their music is literally a breath of fresh air. Yes, it is quite heavy. Yes, you will probably find yourself head banging till’ your head flies off from your neck (eww, that mental image though). The real show stealer is lead vocalist Jason Aalon Butler and his incredible vocal range. Aalon Butler's delivery is asthonishing yet remarkable. The Fever 333 frontman has the ability to incorporate singing, shouting, and rapping in in his songs. Soooooo, if you are willing to be challenged in your way of thinking about social issues or/and ready to develop a deep desire for starting a mosh pit in your living room and to have an overall good time with a talented and intelligent band, then Fever 333 is THE band for you.

Once again (I will never say it enough), thank you for taking the time to read my words. I hope this post has made you want to give Fever 333's music a fair chance. It does not necessarily matter if you end up vibing with the music or not, I think the most crucial element is the message those three hard-working guys are trying to convey. In other words, if a combination of Rap and Metalcore does not sound right to you, please try to still give their songs a listen and pay close attention to the lyrics.


Here are some useful resources for you:

Fever 333 on Spotify

Fever 333 on YouTube

Fever 333 on Instagram


  1. You're so funny without even trying. Love your post as always... you're truly honest about your love for music and it shows. I remember you already suggested me this band and I didn't give them a fair listenning but with this post I will. Keep up the good work <3!

    1. Oh trust me, I try very hard. Sorry about the delay, Thank you for your constant support my dear friend!!!! <3


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