LISTS: Every entry consists of a list of ten songs, music videos, albums, artists or bands with a common theme. The order in which the songs, music videos, albums, artists or bands are presented is completely unplanned. In other words, this is not any sort of countdown. THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE!

This list was not easy to put together; there are quite a few lead singers I genuinely admire. I based my choices on various factors like stage presence, lyricism, and vocal delivery. Every paragraph is followed by a song or video that I believe encapsulates every singer's real talent. 

Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day)

I have never seen any other lead singer or musician command a crowd the way Billie Joe Armstrong does; he truly has the power and talent to make every single person in the room want to join in. Despite not being quite a youngster anymore, Billie Joe's energy is unmatchable. The Green Day frontman is not only a gifted singer and musician; he is also very charismatic and funny. Whether it is in music videos or on stage, Billie Joe does not fear acting like a clown. On the other hand, Armstrong can also be serious and down to earth. Billie Joe shows his dual personality through his lyrics. Armstrong can write memorable lyrics about a plethora of subjects such as dealing with losing a loved one to being bored to death and smelling like shit (lol, Green Day fans know what song I am referring to).

                                                                               Billie Joe is true showman

Hayley Williams (Paramore)

Depending on how old you are, Hayley Williams is most likely the one who showed you that it is possible for young women in a male-dominated industry. Powerful vocals. Relatable. Undeniable charisma. Iconic outfits and hair. Despite clearly being the center of the attention, Hayley has always remained humble by reminding us that Paramore is a band, a team not some solo endeavor. Hayley has shown her ability to adapt as Paramore's sound keeps evolving from one album to the other. Williams is not afraid to openly share her struggles such as recovering from a tumultuous relationship or dealing with lineup changes within the band. I applaud Hayley's ability, to be honest, and vulnerable. Hayley shows fans that despite being considered a Rock n' Roll goddess, she is simply human like the rest of us. Throughout the years, Hayley has shown her genuine love for Paramore fans. For instance, during a 2014 concert, a fan came on stage to sing Paramore's insanely popular tune "Misery Business" (a tradition the band started back in 2013); unfortunately, the fan in question fell on her back in front of a packed room. What did Hayley do? She decided to come to lay down next to the fan. A simple action on Hayley's part turned this fan's possibly embarrassing moment into a wholesome one. 

This has to be one of Hayley's most impressive vocal performance.

Chester Bennington (Linkin Park) 

A voice like no other; Chester Bennington was one of the most brilliant Rock vocalists of all time. Chester had the skill to make us believe every single word he ever sang or screamed. Bennington was able to make listeners feel all sorts of emotions; from profound anger to uplifting hopefulness. Chester's talent is spectacular; it was nearly impossible to believe the sounds he made were coming from a human being. For instance, on Linkin Park's track "Given Up", Bennington screams for 17 consecutive seconds; a breathtaking moment not necessarily for Chester himself but for fans. Chester was overall an incredible performer whose voice the world will never forget. Despite not knowing him personally, I believe it is safe for Linkin Park fans all around the world, and I to affirm that Chester was a kind soul. Similar to Hayley Williams, Chester Bennington did not refrain from being honest about his struggles. Despite battling his demons, Chester has always tried to spread positivity and bring happiness to those around him. He was a true leader both on stage and off stage. 


Mercedes Arn-Horn (Courage My Love)

My opinion may be biased when it comes to this vocalist since I have met her many times and can confirm she is an amazing human being. However, I also genuinely consider her to be an extremely skilled frontwoman. Mercedes Arn-Horn is part of a band whose sound never ceases to evolve which provided her with the opportunity to show listeners how accomplished she is. It does not matter if a track is considerably poppy or somewhat heavy; Mercedes constantly offers solid vocal deliveries. I also deem it crucial to mention Courage My Love's stripped-down/reimagined versions of their songs; Mercedes' vocals are stunning. Despite being incredibly talented and badass, Mercedes is never too cool to take the time to exchange and connect with fans which is something I have always genuinely appreciated about her. In my opinion, Mercedes is the type of person you would watch perform and think to yourself: "damn, she seems so cool and down to earth, I kind of wish she was my friend."


Jason Aalon Butler (Fever 333)

Singer. Screamer. Rapper. Showman. Activist. Jason Aalon Butler has to be one of the most versatile, dynamic, passionate, and dedicated vocalist I have ever had the chance to see perform. Aalon is the type of performer who does not leave anyone indifferent at least from my point of view. Watching Jason perform feels like he is not only the leader of Fever 333 but also the leader of a revolution, something bigger than all of us. Whenever Fever 333 is performing, you can tell that Jason is on a mission to educate, to spark change; his vocal delivery is impressive and considerably convincing. In other words, yes, Jason Aalon Butler is a very entertaining performer but also an important messenger. When reading Aalon Butler's lyrics, it is crystal clear that he chooses his words wisely; Fever 333's tracks are compelling and eye-opening. Just like Chester Bennington, Jason Aalon Butler does not limit himself by only being a leader on stage; he never strays from discussing crucial social issues on social media and during interviews.     

Just watch...

Jenna McDougall (Tonight Alive)

Jenna McDougall has a way of showing fans that dealing with issues such as depression is everything but a sign of weakness; she proudly unashamedly shares her vulnerability through her honest lyrics. In an industry where Jenna is often compared to her female peers, she is definitely able to stand out. The Tonight Alive frontwoman has a killer stage presence and is not there to look or sound perfect (even though she does look and sound amazing); she does not care about the expectations society may have of female singers. In my opinion, Jenna has the power to make people forget that she is a girl in a band full of guys; I mean this in the best way possible. I think it is reasonable to say that many music fans tend to put way too much emphasis on the whole "female fronted-band" concept. Let's just all agree; Jenna is simply an incredible band leader.   

So. Much. Energy.

Oli Baxxter (Broadside)

Oli Baxxter has one of the most unique and recognizable voices of the Warped Tour/Pop Punk scene. Whether it is Pop Punk bangers, magnificent ballads, or soulful R n B tunes; Oli constantly shines bright. The combination of Oli vivid and poetic lyrics and outstanding vocals have the ability to transport me to another universe. The experience of listening to Broadside's music can be compared to watching a mesmerizing movie. Oli Baxxter is not only a gifted singer; he is a captivating storyteller (no pun intended, Broadside fans, you get it) as well. Oli is the type of lead singer who has this charming confidence; he always looks cool, calm, and collected whenever he is on stage.    

A great track to showcase Olli Baxter's real talent 

Shane Told (Silverstein)

Shane Told is the type of frontman who gives his all every night; it does not matter how small or huge the crowd may be. I have valuable proof to back up my affirmation; I have had the chance to see Silverstein perform a total of 8 times. Shane is an incredibly gifted singer and screamer. In a scene where many bands have two different members sharing the singing and screaming duties; Shane does not back away from alternating from vocal delivery to another. Despite being the leader of one most influential emo/post-hardcore bands, Shane does not hesitate to share the spotlight with his peers. Told has a podcast entitled "Lead Singer Syndrome" in which he discusses all sorts of subjects with lead singers from both smaller and bigger bands. On top of touring extensively with Silverstein and delivering extremely informative content about some of our favorite frontmen and frontwomen, Shane has an acoustic project called River Oaks. What can I say? Shane Told is a considerably hardworking guy who is not in the music business for money. 

Amazing song/vocal delivery 
Lynn Gunn (Pvris)

 Lynn Gunn's vocals are the absolute perfect mix of raspy and angelic.  Lynn Gunn always impresses fans by lending her voice to songs from various genres. She has collaborated with EDM artists and Pop Punk bands. These two genres are significantly different from Pvris' material. Pvris' music is often described as an amazing blend of Electropop, Alternative Rock, and Synth-Pop.  This paragraph about why I appreciate Lynn so much would not be complete without mentioning how pivotal her role in the band is. She is the one responsible for Pvris' ever-growing success. Lynn Gunn is the main creative force behind all of the band's albums both lyrically and sonically. Moreover, it would be absurd to write about Lynn Gunn without acknowledging the considerable progress she has made in the last few years when it comes to live performances. During Pvris' second album touring cycle, fans noticed Lynn's difficulty to sing certain parts of songs. However, after watching recent Pvris performances, fans and I can confidently declare that Lynn sounds better than ever!   

A performance Pvris fans and I hold close to their heart

Ben Kowalewicz (Billy Talent)

Ben Kowalewicz is capable of making specific parts in songs truly stand out. For instance, I will never forget his explosive delivery of the bridge in one of Billy Talent's tracks "Devil in a Midnight Mass", a long-time fan-favorite. I am personally a fan of singers who puts all of their energy and passion into a performance without necessarily being perfect on a technical level. Ben does not exactly sound the same way he does on albums; he does not need to. Billy Talent fans are aware that Ben is always giving his all and wants to offer high-energy performances which he still brilliantly does even after all of these years. Furthermore, Ben Kowalewicz has a knack for being able to create intricate, fascinating stories with his particular vocal delivery and word choice. 
I will never forget the bridge of this song

Once again, I hope that reading this entry has possibly made discover music you had not heard of before. I also hope this post has made you learn or reminded you that being a true leader and an amazing singer has absolutely nothing to do with gender. However, I deem it important to bear in mind that all of the female vocalists featured on this list have been strong, perseverant, and brave throughout their careers. Let's face it, we all know/can imagine that they had to (and still do) deal with all sorts of discrimination, stereotypes, and belittlement. Who is your favorite lead singer? Why? Is it their unique vocals? Is their relentless energy? Their undeniable charisma? Their brutally honest lyrics? Thank you for taking the time to read my words. <3  

Your former emo kid/current emo adult,


Ps: Shoutout to my amazing friend Madeline for helping me with the paragraphs about Lynn and Jenna 💜




  1. Yaaaaass! Even if I really took my time to read this article... (sorry still love you <3) Jeanna, Cedes are I think my favorite on this list. Ps.Baxxter is not a liar, he's just a storyteller ;)

    1. Aww no worries, I love you too!!!! YASSS YOU UNDERSTOOD THE PUN!!!!


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