Every single encounter with Mercedes and Phoenix Arn-Horn (Softcult, Courage My love)

It is remotely impossible to think of a single favorite encounter when it comes to these absolutely lovely human beings. I can explain this indecision due to two reasons; the countless times I have had the pleasure of interacting with Mercedes and Phoenix and their constant love and respect. At any given time, Phoenix or Mercedes could have been slightly less friendly because (let's face it) life is not always fun and games even though some of us consistently wear rose-colored glasses. The kindest people in this world can sometimes act like massive dicks; Mercedes and Phoenix never did. Phoenix nor Mercedes was never and will never be too cool to hang out with fans. The two musicians have always taken the time to show their gratitude for my never-ending support. I can vividly recall the time Phoenix called me by my name or the moment both Cedes and Pheen ran across the street to come to greet me and hug me as I was anxiously waiting outside of the venue. Should I go on? Just for a bit, okay? A few more lines. I also remember going to Foufounes Électriques; a famous Montreal bar with Mercedes. Kassandra (one of my favorite people on this planet) and I were squished in the back seat of a car with Mercedes and another fan; it felt like a movie scene. Yes, I recognize it could have been dangerous. Once we were at "Foufs" (shorter version of the name), Mercedes offered me a sip of her cider; I felt like the coolest person ever. I have liked cider ever since. The number of absolutely wholesome stories  I could tell you about those two is rather impressive; however, I will stop here for now.

                                                                                                                           with Cedes and Pheen back in 2013           

                                                           Kassandra, Gayle, Norman, and I giving a scrapbook we put together to Phoenix in 2017. 

First and only time meeting one of my favorite vocalists ever: Oli Baxxter (Broadside)

They say: "never meet your heroes" but honestly, Oli was as cool and down to earth as I imagined and hoped he would be. I have appreciated his singing abilities, lyrics, and charisma forever. Everything about that encounter felt natural. I fondly remember having an engaging chat with him. I recall thanking him for playing the song "Human Machines", one of my favorite Broadside songs and undoubtedly my favorite from their criminally underrated debut album "Old Bones". Oli also shared his love for this particular track. We also discussed how that night was Broadside's first time in Montreal. Do not get me wrong I always experience a certain feeling of pride when I have the chance to take a picture with friends and some of the musicians I genuinely admire. However, the aspect I cherish the most about meeting musicians is getting the opportunity to have actual conversations. That is what happened with Oli; a genuine exchange between people sharing their undeniable love for music. I also highly value Oli's capacity to demonstrate how he cared about meeting us by asking my friends and me our names. Thank you for making us feel welcomed and cared about!

                                                                                                                                      Kassandra and I with Oli in 2016


Ps: I proudly included Oli in a previous article on my most beloved lead singers  

Meeting one of my idols after waiting for years: Lights 

Imagine waiting 8 years to meet someone. I had been patiently waiting 8 years before eventually meeting the amazing Canadian singer, songwriter, comic book creator, and badass mom Lights. I could have been a nervous fuck; instead, I was cool, calm, and collected and truly made the most of this precious moment. I had planned what I wanted to say to her and managed to tell her everything without sounding like a crazy person. An accomplishment? Definitely! Especially when taking into consideration how much I look up to her. As silly, corny, or even stupid as it sounds, I probably would not have black hair nor tattoos if it was not for Lights. Lights also played a role in me developing the love I now have and will forever have for the character of Wonder Woman (I even have a tattoo). (Not me getting sidetracked) Lights hugged me. Lights hugged my mom. Lights signed my copy of her graphic novel and asked for my name. It was a perfect morning.

                                                                                                                  Lights hugging me at a signing in 2018

That time we said: "Fuck the security guards!!" featuring Grayscale. 

Back when the tiny but ever-awesome Montreal venue, Turbo Haus was situated in a residential district, sticking around after a show and meeting some of your favorite bands was not exactly pleasant. I recall eagerly wanting to meet Grayscale to let the guys know I discovered their music even before the band was signed to the influential label Fearless Records. I remember having their song "Change" on heavy rotation. One of the best parts of this story is how kind and grateful Collin, the lead singer truly was. However, the instant engraved in Kassandra and I's minds has to be when Dallas, one of Grayscale's guitar players said: "fuck the security guards". Kassandra and I felt incredibly rushed by the rather rude security guards and were not entirely comfortable about the idea of taking the time to get a picture with the band. 

Thank you Kassandra for taking the picture! Grayscale and I (2017)

Meeting Pvris on the Mayday Parade tour 

"I'm shaking". Those are some of the words my friend Kassandra (yes, her again, deal with it!) told the amazing Lynn Gunn. Instead of making Kassandra feel awkward about what she said, Lynn amusingly replied: "caffeine makes me shake". This sweet and funny moment reminds us that musicians are human beings like the rest of us. I also recall wanting to purchase a bracelet for my mom (whom is also a Pvris fan). They had no bracelet on sale during that specific tour; however, we found one bracelet placed in this little cardboard box (tip box, I think). Brian, Pvris' bass player gave me the bracelet without asking for a single penny. There is no doubt that Pvris is a kind, hilarious group of people. Just look at that damn picture; it says it all; Kassandra and I look genuinely happy (almost high, I swear it was all natural.). However, the girl who took the picture did my boy Alex dirty. When we looked at the picture, we laughed to fucking tears. The stranger told us the photo was good. LIE!!!! 

                                                                                                                              Kassandra, Alex, and I with Pvris in 2014

Tegan and Sara. (Do I need to say more?)

Over the years, I have increasingly become more comfortable with the idea of meeting band members I hold in high regard. However, I was not able to tell Tegan and Sara what I had planned. Was I starstruck? Was I intimidated? "I'm nervous". WOW, ARIANE!!! GOOD JOB!! GOO FUCKING JOB!! (as Kristen Stewart angrily says in The Runaways movie). "Don't be nervous", Sara replied. GREATEST. INTERACTION. EVER. Yes, I am being sarcastic but I still consider this meet and greet to be one of my favorite life memories solely based on the fact that it happened. I got to meet those two freaking heroines. I have an infinite amount of respect for those two; they could have given music many times before (should I write a whole article about it?). Guess what? They never did. 

                                                                                                                                                   Yes, just yes! 2019

I know I have not posted in the longest fucking time; thus, if you are reading this right now, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! As usual, I hope the content of this latest article has enabled you to discover new bands and experience a certain feeling of happiness (or something like that, lol). This article was a delight to write! It hopefully was a delight to read!

Your elder emo, tired and sore but still very capable concert goer,


Ps: I guess I forgot to include an introduction for this one. LOL



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