Hi, good to see you here again! I am aware I forgot to include an intro in my last article (how rude of me, sorry). Here is the introduction to this article: 

When composing this article, I took into account a number of  factors: my musical preferences, listeners' musical taste, social issues, and more.  You may agree or think I am crazy (or perhaps not even know half of the bands and artists featured here) and that is totally fine! Thank you for taking the time. As usual, I genuinely hope this latest article enables you to discover new music and possibly reflect on your musical taste and other topics I covered. I included a video of one of my favorite live performances from each band and artist highlighted in this post. 

When current and future legends meet: Alexisonfire, Silverstein, Spiritbox

Silverstein and Alexisonfire were the first two bands that enabled me to open my ears, mind, and heart to heavier music. I fell in love with songs such as ''Vices" and ''Young Cardinals" and have never looked back ever since. Even after all of these years, both bands have remained two of my favorite bands of all time. I could write separate articles about how truly amazing Silverstein and Alexisonfire are (maybe, I will). Both acts have an incomparable work ethic, an undying passion for creating and performing music, and the ability to craft albums that sound vastly different from one another without entirely alienating fans. Having seen Silverstein eight times in concert; needless to say I am still proudly supporting this band after being a fan for more than 10 years. I honestly wish I had seen Alexisonfire as many times as I have seen Silverstein. I feel like a significant number of heavy bands enter my life and ears but never stay as long as Silverstein and Alexisonfire have. I am not exactly sure that I can explain why. I guess I progressively lose interest or simply stop identifying with certain bands’ art. However, in December 2020, another band was about to completely change the game not only for me but for so many music fans all across the globe. The name: Spiritbox. What if the past and the future teamed up in the present? I say past but let’s be real; AOF and Silverstein have become heavy music pioneers. Albums such as ''Discovering the Waterfront" and ''Crisis" have had an everlasting impact on music listeners all around the world. Those albums are considered staples of the Warped Tour and Metal scene; fans still listen to those bodies of work fondly to this day. Having seen both bands perform tracks from those respective albums, I can confidently affirm that fans not only have an infinite appreciation for the music but also a genuine emotional connection attached to it. With the release of their debut album ''Eternal Blue", it seems like Spiritbox also managed to release what could be considered by many metal music listeners a timeless classic. I do not have a difficult time believing that fans will still be moshing and screaming along to ''Holy Roller" five or ten years from now. It is without a doubt that listeners will still be singing along and crying to the heartbreaking Constance for years to come. Silverstein's audience still goes crazy whenever they hear the first notes of My Heroine. Alexisonfire's followers never hesitate to give their all the second they hear the iconic intro to This Could Be Anywhere in the World. I am convinced that Spiritbox has the power and talent to replicate in their rights the positive and never-ending effect AOF and Silverstein have had on their fanbases.  Furthermore, I would love to hear Spiritbox’s lead singer Courtney Laplante’s take on some of Silverstein and Alexisonfire's most notable songs. I get stupidly excited by the sole thought of picturing Courtney performing with either of those bands. Three words: CANADIAN CORE PARTY! 


                                             A forever iconic performance from Alexisonfire

Watch me have a headbanging and crying party on my own viewing this Silvestein performance again

Let’s learn from each other: Alessia Cara, Dua Lipa, Angèle, Sigrid, Lights, Lauv, Conan Gray, Scott Helman, Alec Benjamin, Camila Cabello, Doja Cat, Ellie Goulding, Normani

If you know me in the slightest, then you know I listen to bands way more than I listen to solo artists. Therefore, I have a special connection to the artists featured in this part of the article. I will be honest by admitting my original idea was to separate the female artists from the male artists; GIRL POWER TOUR! Yes, but also no. After having a compelling conversation with a new friend, I changed my mind. No, the conversation was not specifically about my article or music. However, I was reminded of a crucial fact: early on, children get divided into two groups; boys and girls. Why does society think this is an effective and appropriate practice? Should not boys and girls (and every being in between) learn to work together? Should not everyone learn from each other? I firmly think so! Therefore, I believe this dream lineup should regroup all of those talented acts onto one gigantic tour (or touring festival at this point). We all know (at least to a certain extent) that female artists go through all kinds of hardships (I even wrote a goddamn article about it). I do not know any of those boys personally; however, from what I have seen, heard, and read, I would like to believe they would be open to hearing stories from any  and every of those incredible female artists. This tour festival lineup would provide attendees with an experience I consider unique; one minute, you are smiling and dancing, the other, you are still dancing but crying. Fun and emotional times are guaranteed. Is this lineup unrealistic? Most likely! Do I care? Not in the slightest. I love every single one of those artists with all of my goddamn little heart.  


My favorite solo artist of all time: Lights

Click here for a Playlist of live videos from my favorite solo artists

Let's try to change the world: War on Women, Fever 333, Anti-Flag, Softcult

If you are familiar with any of those bands in the slightest, then you are aware that they do not shy away from screaming loud and proud their thoughts on what the fuck is wrong with society and what sort of changes should occur. On a purely musical level, those four bands have notable differences; on the other hand, it is crystal clear that they share a common goal. From feminist anthems to anti-racist tracks (and so much more), I believe that all four bands possess the power to spread desperately needed awareness. Those four acts know that they are playing a pivotal part in something bigger than all of us. 

''It's not where she was, it's not how she dressed
And it's not her fault you don't know what consent is" (BWBB by Softcult, 2021)

''You think that they'd know
Not to shoot a man while he on the floor" (The Innocent by Fever 333, 2019)

''Just 'cause you don't know you're racist
A bigot with a checklist" (Racists by Anti-Flag, 2017) 

''I never wanted to be, never thought I could be
I'll never never be a quiet woman" (by War on Women, 2018) 

Fever 333 leading a revolution one performance at a time

Always and forever relavant, punk heroes: Anti-Flag 

Eye opening feminist hardcore band: War on Women

They're just getting started; Softcult

Wake me up when those three tour together: Green Day, Paramore, Billy Talent

My three all-time favorite bands; do I need to say more? Those three bands played a show together in France twelve years ago. We (I do know who is we) need a goddamn world tour. I know I am asking for the impossible but imagine if those Rock music giants toured in more intimate venues than the ones they have gotten used to in the past years. Every night, the energy would be through the fucking roof. I would most likely be dead tired after a single band. TIRED BUT HAPPY. (the best feeling you can experience after a concert if you ask me). I could go on and on about how big of an impact Paramore, Green Day, and Billy Talent have had on my music taste and life. However, I will not bore you with the details, at least not today. You know how some people find the love of their life; well, this would be the concert of my life! I firmly believe that Paramore is the best band on this entire planet. Green Day has to be the most spectacular live act I have ever seen. Billy Talent is the best thing to come out of Canada (you do not have to agree). 

The best live band

The band of my life: Paramore

The best Canadian band ever.

What are some of your dream tour lineups? For once, I am not exactly sure how to conclude an article. Intros and conclusions are overrated, right? Once again, thank you to every friend and stranger reading this. Your support means more than you know. 

Your favorite music blogger (at least, I hope so),


Ps: I do not own the rights to any of the lyrical content quoted or the videos used in this article. 


  1. ''Is this lineup unrealistic? Most likely! Do I care? Not in the slightest.'' But never say never 🤞


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