Fuck an intro, let's get right to it! Thank you for being here! Okay, let's go for a short intro! 2022 was the year I beat my record for the highest number of concerts I attended. In this entry, I shed light on some of my favourite concert moments from last year. 

                    The look: Spiritbox opening for Ghost at Place Bell, September 16

That eye-contact my friends and I give each other when the band plays our favourite song when we witness a particularly emotional moment, or something absurdly cool has to be one of my favourite types of moments to experience at a concert. I was so fucking delighted to finally see Spiritbox, a metal band that has rapidly become one of my all-time most beloved musical acts. It is crucial to note Courtney, Mike, Zev, and Josh were the first rock stars to take the stage that night. Also, keep in mind, Place Bell is quite a huge venue. Therefore, people arrive when they feel like showing up; not necessarily caring about the first band (or even the few first bands to step on stage). The arena was half empty, and the crowd was nearly dead. The strange yet not so unsettling (I have been to so many concerts, I am used to it) vibe felt in that room did not prevent me from jumping from my seat (more like standing up but jumping sounds much more badass) the second those lights went down. I was standing up on my own but not for long; my friend Jeremy stood up as soon as Spiritbox started playing "Hurt You", song#2 of their setlist. Then, THE moment happened, we looked at each other while singing along to this goddamn amazing song. I was secretly (and kind of disparately) hoping Jer was going to jump from his seat too. Thank you, Jeremy!  It may not seem like much but I live for those kinds of moments. It has to be the coolest way of connecting with some of my best friends (besides having heartfelt conversations at night on a park bench). 

Spiritbox performing their heavy and groovy track "Holy Roller" 

Finally seeing my friends again: Softcult opening for Destroy Boys at La Sala Rosa, September 13

I could pick more than a single moment that made my concertgoer heart happy that night; I will focus on one or two. I was anxiously waiting (there was a chance my friend Kassandra was going to be late) while standing on the stairs with other fans for the venue staff to let us in as I saw something or should I  someone who warmed my heart on that cold rainy night; two familiar faces. Mercedes and Phoenix walked by. At first, Mercedes did not see me. However, Phoenix did! The twins did not waste a second expressing their joy and appreciation about the fact that I came to the show. The best part of this interaction was when Phoenix and Mercedes hugged me. The two musicians wrapped their arms around me at the same time.  I truly missed their loving embrace.  If you remotely know me or have read some of my articles before then, you are aware of the bond the twins and I have created over the last ten years. The other moment that made me ecstatic has to be when Kassandra arrived; on time. One more moment that occured during that same evening will stay engraved in my mind forever. Should I share it with you? How about yes? The power of Softcult’s performance of their incredibly relevant track "BWBB" will have an everlasting impact on me. Mercedes’ speech before the band played the song made me want to cry, scream, and protest using my voice and every single bone in my body. 


Kassandra, Norman (our concert buddy), and I with the kind and talented Mercedes 

                                          Softcult performing one of my favourite tracks "Uzumaki" 

                                Collective jaw dropping...: Lauv Headlining at L'Olympia, August 16 

Have you ever seen an artist or band inviting a fan to perform with them on stage? Trust me when I say an instant like this one never fails to be memorable. Do not get me wrong; I was perfectly content with the sole fact that Lauv performed that specific track that night. "Canada is one of my favorite songs Lauv has ever put out. It is crucial to note that he did not include this track on the setlist during previous dates of the tour. Consquently, I was somewhat emotional at the idea of getting the chance to hear the song in a live setting. However, I am even happier Lauv ensure to make this moment special. This rendition felt as exceptionally beautiful as the studio version featured on his debut album. For those who do not know, Alessia Cara, the amazingly gifted Canadian singer appears on the studio version of this soothing track. Lauv brought a fan on stage to sing his charming song "Canada" with him. As soon the fan opened his mouth and the first note of that second verse;  we all lost our breath. We were collectively blown away by that fans raw talent. The crowd started cheering loudly; it was not an act of politeness. We were all sincerely impressed. It easily could have been an adorable yet somewhat uncomfortable moment to watch; it was not. It was magical. 

                                       The instant in question that made me emotional and sincerely happy! 
                                                    Thanks to my awesome friend Ariane for capturing this marvelous moment.   

Our Physical Presence Had Meaning: Conan Gray Headlining at Mtelus, March 20  

I am entirely aware of how this subtitle is not nearly as intriguing as the previous ones in this article. It was our first real concert since the pandemic. Kassandra and I had not been to a show since March 2020 when we saw Courage My Love (Mercedes and Phoenix's previous musical endeavor). I was delighted to see an artist I had never had the chance to see perform in person as the first show I attended after the whole world went to shit for two years. Goddamn, it felt good to be back. I oddly missed being in a crowd full of sweaty and loud bastards. Also, it was wholesome two of favourite people in the world meet for the first time (I love you, Kassandra and Ariane).  

Conan performing his instantly recognizable hit Heather

    THEY DID WHAT? OKAY, THATS FUCKING COOL! : This Wild Life Headlining at Bar Le ritz PDB, July 3rd 

COOLEST. STAGE. PROP. EVER. This Wild Life's singer Kevin Jordan built a gigantic GameBoy to use as a stage prop on their 2022 summer tour. Concert attendees could watch carefully thought-out Nintendo-like visuals for each song the duo played. As someone who has had the pleasure of seeing TWL perform more than once, I can confidently affirm that the boys' presence and raw talent are sufficient to make their show a memorable experience. Let's face it; the larger-than-life GameBoy made that concert even more unforgettable. To think I almost did not attend that show. (Thanks to my friend Benjamin who kindly convinced me). 



                                                                                                                    That stage prop is incredible!


Is this what actually fun and safe clubbing feels like? :

Dua Lipa headlining at Bell Centre, July 25 

The whole evening felt like a timeless, all-ages, inclusive, safe dance party. Is this kind of enjoyment the one I was supposed to feel the first and only time I went clubbing nine years ago? I am not saying being able to go to clubs should be accessible to children and younger teenagers but should it not be inclusive and safe? Most definitely. I believe most of us are aware of how younger and older women have way too many horror stories regarding something so simple and innocent yet significantly dangerous: going out to clubs. I will stop here as this paragraph is transforming into a topic I should write about in a separate article.  All of that is to say that it is a euphoric feeling to naturally want to dance in a room full of people when usually the only time I dance is at home all by myself.  Also, shoutout to my 62-year-old mom who had the absolute time of her life; she did not sit for a second during Dua's performance.       

My favourite part of the show 

Seats were covered with confetti after the show. 

I most likely would have been able (and happy) to share many more moments of joy I experienced at concerts with you. However, I did not want to make this article even longer. I hope this latest entry has brought you at least a little bit of you as writing it provided me with memories of bliss. Whether this article is your first time reading my work or perhaps your fifteenth time, thank you for taking time out of your precious existence.  Happy new year!    

More moments that deserved to be written about:

-The incredibly diverse crowd at the Linda Lindas show

-The undeniable collective happiness felt during Beabadoobee's concert

- Fit for a King stealing the show despite being an opening band

-Seeing Alexisonfire again 

-Seeing Billy Talent again

-Seeing Silverstein for 10000000th time 

-Seeing Stand Atlantic for the first time 

and even more..

Your (hopefully, still in 2023) favourite blogger, 





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